A few months ago I was asked to join a discussion about a recent study that suggested that subtle and overt bias place women in leadership positions at higher risk of depression than their male counterparts, here’s my quote in January’s issue of Fast Company magazine “Having a mentor can also prepare women for the challenges they will face, says Nathilee Caldeira, staff psychologist at Columbia University Medical Center: “A strong mentor can point women to strategies that work to navigate the inevitable stereotyping and resistance,” she says”. Read the full article here: http://bit.ly/152jFGG. Look for further updates on why mentorship is one of the keys to success.
Category: Blog
It has been an especially difficult winter for us here in New York but wherever you are like most of us you are probably struggling to maintain that New Year’s resolution or like some you have stopped altogether.
Here are 4 ways to fire up your motivation
1. Start and Start Again
Research has consistently shown that when we start a task we are much more likely to complete that task so yes get back to the start line and start again.
2. Review Your Goal
Review whether your goal is sufficiently meaningful to YOU. Success is more likely if there is a personal purpose or meaningful reason for pursuing your goal. What is the big picture?
3. Be kind To Yourself Always
Are you watching your self-talk? Are you using statements like “I am a failure” “I am lazy”? What you have done so far is most definitely good enough, so how far have you gotten? How much more do you have left to complete the task? Approach and speak to yourself with the same kindness and concern you would show to a friend.
4. Yes Get back To Meditating 10 Minutes a Day
For many years I worked in research labs, what I discovered about myself is that when it comes to work what I love more than anything else is applying what I learn in the research lab to my everyday clinical work so I left research to do clinical work full-time. What we are learning in the lab about meditation is that it works to increase focus and attention and reduce tension, fatigue and anxiety. It is a gift that keeps on giving. Give yourself this gift everyday, it is what you deserve.
To your health and well-being.
Now Get started.
Small Steps for Big Wins in 2015
Did you know that only 8% of people achieve their new year’s resolutions and that most people give up as early as one month after they have set them? Let’s work to change that.
As we get another fresh start with the New Year we can set or renew resolutions that we know can work. We are lucky to be living in a time when research has given us more tools and strategies to increase our motivation, beat procrastination and achieve our goals.
These 9 Steps will get you to the finish line.
Set a Meaningful Goal
Many of us make the mistake of setting goals we think we should do or goals that we need to do. Instead choose a meaningful goal, something that is deeply personal and important to you. Think hard about the why. For example, if you want to lose weight it’s better to ask yourself why you want to make this change and not any other. Is it for your health and if so why do you want to be healthy? At the end of the year what change are you going to be glad you made. Added tip: set a deadline e.g. December 31st 2015.
Write Down the Small Steps
Write your goal down and then break it into the very smallest steps. Instead of saying I want to lose 5 lbs/week you might write down I will speed walk 30 minutes 3 times/week and the best days are Monday, Wednesday and Friday because I leave work early those days. I will also eat smaller portions at dinner. When we take small steps and track our progress, the process of building accomplishments will help to increase motivation.
Talk with Compassion
Yes compassion works. How we talk to ourselves can make the difference between stopping and moving forward. Often the blame and shame phrases of “I have to” “I should” “I must” will get us stuck. Instead use words that will help you focus on results. Use “I choose to speed walk for 30 minutes at 6 p.m. today, here’s how and where I choose to do it”. Choice increases freedom and motivation.
Start and Start Again
Getting to the finish line requires effort and work but sometimes we don’t realize that when we procrastinate we are also working. Here’s an idea, why not do the work that will get you the long-term benefit. When we procrastinate we get relief in the moment, but if we can tolerate temporary discomfort we can get to that great feeling of accomplishment only a done goal can give you. One way to do this is by continuously starting for example “today I will take another step” or “How can I start again”?
Partnership Works
One key ingredient of motivation is accountability pick a friend, a buddy, a coworker, a partner, a family member who also has a similar goal or is taking similar steps.
Plan for Setbacks
Know that setbacks will happen. Planning ahead and preparing yourself for these will keep you going. Be sure to ask, “where would I get help? how can I lessen the pain if the worst happens and how can I start again?”
We often forget about the importance of breaks, relaxation, play and rewards. Find ways to add these to your schedule regularly.
The Power of “no”
Saying “no” gently but firmly is a key element of your plan often we become overwhelmed and have little or no time for our goals because we are saying yes to too many things make “no” your friend again.
10 minutes a Day, Yes Meditate
Meditation has been shown to increase our ability to focus and to reduce stress. Just 10 minutes a day of meditation can give you these benefits.
Let’s take it way above 8% and make it a great year. Send me your questions and comments. My goal is to write more and specifically more consistently. I’ll be tracking my progress and sending you reminders.
Fiore, N. (1989, 2007). The Now Habit: A strategic program for overcoming procastination and enjoying guilt-free play. London: Penguin Books
Davis, D.W., Hayes, J.A., (2012). What are the benefits of mindfulness. Monitor On Psychology, 43, 64.
Visit www.tarabrach.com for guided meditations.
Find Your Motivation
“Success” is a word that is frequently mentioned when people try to define the American dream. But defining success is itself a difficult and illusory thing to do. The truth is success is extremely subjective, and defining success in your life is a very personal experience. How do you succeed? By finding the motivation to work towards the goals that are important to you.
Finding that motivation is itself a journey. And it can be a difficult one. We frequently underestimate the need to define, plan and work on aspects of our internal life. The truth is motivation is not just something we have or don’t. It’s something that needs to be cultivated. As a psychologist it’s my great joy to help people begin the work of creating goals that matter. And that starts with motivation.
Connection. Confidence. Compassion. Let’s work together to achieve your goals.
To your Health and Wellness!
Little Changes Add Up BIG!
Think you can walk for 15 minutes? Then you can walk a mile, because it takes about that long to stroll that distance. Which means in an hour of walking you could probably cover at least four to five miles? So if you didn’t think you could walk five miles, think again.
Think also about the number of times you’ve walked around the mall or spent an hour on the dance floor moving from side to side (step by step), or bowling or just standing on the corner talking to your friend. In this context, five miles is nothing. Little steps add up to big miles.
It’s the same with change. Sometimes we are discouraged by the big changes we know are necessary, but that can also seem daunting. The truth is big changes can be achieved if you set and meet small goals. It’s about the one step at a time that adds up to one and then several miles. This is one of the things I enjoy most about my work, is working with clients to help them understand how to set the little goals that add up to that important, necessary change.
Connection. Confidence. Compassion. Let’s work together to achieve your goals.
To your Health and Wellness!